6:37 am

April 10, 2010

‘Tough’ as in for me.
This taming ‘guide’ (no offense to those that can actually write guides) makes a few bold assumptions. First is that while you may not be as ‘hunter challenged’ as me you might fall in-between the not so awesome to incredibly awesome in a mediocre kinda way range or are a quasi casual player who wants these pets-I hope some of you are out there. Second, while you may not suck as much as me (impossible), s’okay though, you don’t have to admit that , you’re still having some problems even with Gars or other Guides. All the below is based on Gars info though. Third, that you aren’t saying to yourself “OMFG theez tamz r teh sew old newz” Fourth, that you don’t get griefed while trying the tames and lastly, that you're soloing them. So this is for all three of you.
Quite a few hunters (okay 4.5-the .5 was a fellow dwarf) on my server have asked me, mainly about Ban’thalos and Deth’tilac and to ask me, well…..Oy… Given I’m always promoting the Lodge in-game (Garwulf owes me a lot of cash to date) , maybe they’ll read this as I’m tired of typing or showing it in-game. I’ve noticed quite a few hunters simply ignore the spiders and don’t have them stabled so they either don’t care much for spiders or have given up trying the tames. Probably the latter. Anyhow hope some of this helps at least one of you.
Ban’thalos: Taming from the Statue because you can’t park yourself in that damn tree.
Park yourself directly between the Statue’s Antlers. It’s the highest point on it. I figure Blizzard didn’t have him spawn near that statue so you had to have a pine tree up your butt to tame him. Course they do hate hunters…
Do a couple of test death drops to get a decent idea as to what your “how much damage from the fall can I take without dying” point is. Now again, this is only for those who aren’t old hands at the game. It’s a newb move, but that’s what I is. I did two, maybe three with a food stam buff and Drums of Forgotten Kings. 126hp and landed with 13k left. You get in that range your’e fine. Actually just not dying is good For insurance if and when he did show up, I was packing a couple of Runescrolls of Fortitude II even though I forgot to use em
If you add that buff even if you are a tad too high, you should be okay.
I’ve noticed quite a few players flying what I think is way too high (they're dying so I might be right on this one) which you don’t have to do. I think they are forgetting the ranged ability of their weapon and that they can look upwards without losing the drop postition-dunno. If you’re looking him in the face, odds are you’re too high unless you have a whack of HP’s, then you certainly don’t need this info.
He comes so close to the statue on his route, drop your Freezing Trap, mount and fly straight up. Then look up, you may have to rotate your mount a tad. Then I recommend two quick shots to insure you pull him down into your Freezing Trap. 1st time I only popped one and he didn’t follow me down. If he doesn’t follow , you’re dead.
Do the above and he’s yours
Deth’tilac: The ‘OMG I so need to practice my kiting” Spider of Doom aka ‘Agio’s Bane’
On this boy I not only got the t-shirt, I got the enire ensemble plus the little known Blizzard “God you suck but you are a persistent lil Fella ” Achievement after taming him. Bonus!
Garwulf’s Guide is about as good as it gets on Deth.
In my attempt to make it as idiot proof as possible a couple of points. If you've looked at his 77million hp’s and wet your skivvies, the troll vendor sells Fruit o' the Loom boxers. Deth is parked way up on that back ledge round the rock wall the NPC's hang at. He doesn't do anything until you do, just sits there sharpening his spidey claws waiting for you to take him on. With 77million HP’s he ain’t sweating your leet 23k dps.
As I said, Gars guide is about as good as it gets, so I suggest follow it but keep in mind, Garwulf plays this game pretty good
So for those that don't, like me…..
Given that I’d probably forget my original spec if I did a re-spec, I didn’t have 2/2 in entrapment Gar recommends. Instead I slotted a Glyph of Concussive Shot. Do 2/2 entrapment and the Glyph, well you’d be really smart.
When you start the kite, if you’re pulling him along the rock face, be aware of an outcropping that you will run smack dab into that can and will mess the tame. You’re trapped and if you move Deth moves in slo-mo sync with you and then has a high chance of going past your traps-for a big bugger his hit box isn’t all that big. Plus he gets a speed burst-not good. Bad spot to be in, very. Especially if you hear that ‘thunk’ sound meaning he’s whacked your spider. So try and avoid being too close to the wall. I actually started on the outer edge because I live for danger plus found it easier to kite him back towards his original spawn point on the second loop using the wall. That's pretty much what the tame is, a slow motion loop. Simple huh? Aside from the trapping, keeping damage up so he doesn’t re-set, getting the correct range, rezzing your pet after he whacks it (which causes Deth to lose 10% of his HP everytime he kills your pet) before Deth whacks you, not falling off ledges or goin wee-wee in your undies etc. it's a snap.
Also, be wary of moving too fast when keeping your distance. You'll get out of range and have to run back, again it’ll screw up the tame-be it Deth avoiding your traps, concussive wearing off, no sustained damage or your pet dead or all of the aforementioned. Then he re-sets or kills you. He’s moody so it can go either way. For me this was my biggest problem on my epic legendary fail that minstrels now sing about. Think of the tame as a marathon, not a sprint.
As you kite him down towards the open area there may be spiders loitering about (even assuming you cleaned em up prior) This is a situational thing. If no spiders are around you can take him straight back and turn to take him back up the ledge towards his spawn point and hope none spawn while you're turning. If there are spiders about, you need to move over to the rock wall and continue pulling Deth around the corner while hugging the wall and you shouldn't draw aggro from the others. I found starting on the outside ledge before that area easier for this as I could drop a frost trap, drag him through it, then run over to the wall, rez pet and keep distance. If you do pull him this far there is an open usually spider free space as you head towards the NPC area but well before it where you have time to rez your pet. He spits the web and you run around Deth to take him back around the bend up towards his spawn point. Go around him wall side or you may pick up an unwanted friend. Then kite him along the wall , round the bend heading back to his original spawn point.
As an aside, be wary of taking him too close to the NPC’s. He draws their aggro and they open up on him big time. Now I’ve watched players intentionally do this-draw him to the Quest Giver Area. I read this is supposed to be the ‘ easy’ way to tame Deth. However what I’ve witnessed to date with this option is dead players, lots of Deth re-sets and a few dead Deth’tilacs. Also, it's wuss and if you can think of a better way to blow the tame and bring griefing upon yourself from other players other than dragging a ginormous spider into their faces, name it.
At this stage, you should be fairly close to his original spawn point. I highly recommend you do not go past this point prior to turning around. You'll get trapped tween Deth and the farthest point of the ledge given the limited space. I did and died, he magically passes through that mound of rocks I figured would by my saviour. Best is to have your pet rezzed, the pet webs him and you run back around Deth to open area. Kite him back down the ledge, rinse and repeat and by about this time you should be one rez and a rez dismiss away from the tame. 17milllion or so HP’s and he's yours. If you're too wound to watch his HP's, if 'Kill Command” comes up look at his HP's, stop firing by the way. If he dies, I'm sure you'll cry.
I used Gars Deterrence Tame Macro just in case. No need to screw it up at the end. Don’t forget that rez, dismiss pet part at the grand finale That’s the serious sweat bullets part of the tame.
Kirix: The Spider who knows God gave him those eight legs for speed.
Again, Garwulf’s Guide is about as good as it gets.
The only things I’d reinforce here is don’t forget to be in Aspect of the Wild. Easy to overlook given we use it like when? Also, in the heat of the moment after you’ve successfully popped disengage while being punted (if you have sucessfully that is) don’t hit the tame macro in Gars guide too fast. Again, easy to do given how fast this tame happens but you need to make sure you don’t pop it too fast and get nailed by a cast he may unload on you.
I only ran into Kirix once and lucked out on the tame. As in everything went right so I'd not failed 'nuff to impart much info on him. I think it a hard tame done this way, so if you get whacked a lot, don’t throw yourself off the coffeetable. It’s a helluva lot of fun when you pull it off.
Interestingly when hopping to Fireplume for Karkin (there is this perfect spot where NPC covers both spawn points and if you use eagle eye you won’t miss Skarr or Karkin) over the past couple of weeks I have quite a few times seen players trying the ‘easy’ tame on Kirix from a floating rock. Tis the rock I overshoot on occasion when jumping back from Fireplume thusly plummeting to my death-I know, I’m so bad..so so bad… but I really dig that hang time before you plummet
Not sure what the deal is but they get whacked doing this ‘easy’ way-a lot. Hell one time there were three of em parked on that rock. Maybe they’re used to all tames being easy. Dunno. I stopped counting on one player at 9 fails before I went happily along my way. I may be a sadist. Sometimes the ‘easy’ way may be the hardest.
Not knowing you aren't supposed to be able to achieve something often ensures that you will. Book of Agio 22:2
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