As many of you know… Patch 4.2 hits live servers today (06/28/11). The following guide serves as a rundown of the new beasties — where to find them and how to successfully tame them.
There are 10 new taming challenge pets in all. 3 new Spirit Beasts, 5 rare Lava Spiders, and 2 extremely badass looking metallic type pets — Karkin, a liquid metal crab, and Skarr, an obsidian cat. This is sure to keep pet happy hunters busy for some time… I know I’ll be on the hunt for a few of these myself. 🙂
For those familiar with the addon, NPCScan IDs have been included. Not sure if the addon will be updated with these new mob IDs, but you can add them manually if needed. See this post for details on how to do that.
For those of you not familiar with NPCScan, please familiarize yourself.
While maybe not as exciting as the WotLK beta bestiary, Patch 4.2 is still easily one of the biggest hunter pet events ever!
Update: Check out the Patch 4.2 Hunter Pet Taming Challenge Gallery!
Patch 4.2 Spirit Beasts
There are three new Spirit Beasts poised to hit live servers today (06/28/11) — all of them being released in Mount Hyjal. Hunters will first have to progress through a series of quests before the Spirit Beasts can be unlocked. They are located in a phased zone of Mount Hyjal, so only the characters who have progressed through the necessary quests will be able to see them.
Ban’thalos is a green spectral owl, and the first Spirit Beast with wings! Along with him are two new spectral cats – Ankha and Magria. They are almost identical to Gondria, but with different coloring. Ankha is a ghostly white, and Magria a spectral blue.
Spirit Beast Locations in Mount Hyjal
Read on for information on what to expect when you encounter these new Spirit Beasts…
Pet Type: Spirit Beast
- Tamable by: BM Hunters
- Special Abilities: Harsh Moonlight – Moonfire spell which hits like a truck.
- Location: Patrols the skies near the Sanctuary of Malorne
- Aggressive: No
- NPCScan ID: 54320
Ban’thalos Taming Strategy:
As with all of the taming challenge pets introduced in patch 4.2, the trick with taming Ban’thalos is surviving the taming process. Ban’thalos flies very high so you must find a way to aggro him while in flight, while avoiding freefall death. The other thing to watch out for is his nasty Harsh Moonlight spell. It will wipe you out fast, so it’s important to CC this guy.
From what I’ve seen, the best way to tame Ban’thalos involves perching yourself atop the highest tree that sits within his patrol area. Once there:
- Drop a Freezing Trap.
- Get on your mount and fly straight up (use only the space bar).
- Dismount and aggro him with a shot.
- Hit Deterrence and start taming once you land on the treetop.
- Ban’thalos should hit your trap, allowing for a successful, relatively damage free tame.
If you find it hard to position yourself atop the tree, or if you’re in a hurry to get the tame off, then you can try this same strategy from the top of the nearby statue. Fall damage will be more severe, but it should still work.
If your character is close to max level, then see this Ban’thalos taming guide instead. This updated post covers what you need to do to tame Ban’thalos if you’re closer to level 100.
Ban’thalos Preview Post w/ Video
Pet Type: Spirit Beast
- Tamable by: BM Hunters
- Special Abilities: Metal Cleave – This ability can one shot players.
- Location: Patrols the upper part of The Regrowth area.
- Aggressive: No
- NPCScan ID: 54318
Ankha Taming Strategy:
Ankha cannot be CC’d, so hunters must survive through the taming process while getting beat on. The key to surviving Ankha’s onslaught is to take off all of your armor before you start the taming process. Ankha’s Metal Cleave attack scales off of its target’s armor rating, so it’s important that you remove any and all items which add to this stat. Ankha can easily one shot a fully geared player.
Ankha cannot be CC’d, so no Freezing Trap. Just get naked, pop Deterrence and get your tame on!
Pet Type: Spirit Beast
- Tamable by: BM Hunters
- Special Abilities: Metal Cleave – This ability can one shot players.
- Location: Patrols the upper part of The Regrowth area.
- Aggressive: No
- NPCScan ID: 54319
Magria Taming Strategy:
Taming Magria requires the exact same approach as taming Ankha — remove all of your armor first. Also, I believe that Ankha and Magria share a spawn timer, so it’s likely you’ll find one or the other, but not both of them.
Rare Lava Spiders in Patch 4.2
Arachnid lovers rejoice..! Patch 4.2 introduces a whole new exciting pet model for you PvP fiends out there — the lava spider. Each one of these molten monsters poses a unique taming challenge for hunters. Read on to find out how to tame these bad boys.
To reach the Molten Front, players must first grind through about three days of daily quests in order to unlock the zone. Once unlocked, the spiders can be found in these areas…
Rare Lava Spider Locations in the Molten Front
Pet Type: Spider
- Tamable by: All Hunter Specs
- Special Abilities: Flashfire – Increases attack speed and movement speed, Blazing Speed – Prevents him from being tamed.
- Location: Rune Cave in the Igneous Depths, Molten Front
- Aggressive: Yes
- NPCScan ID: 54321
Solix Taming Strategy:
Solix has on him two nasty buffs:
- Flashfire: Attack Speed Increased by 1000% & Movement Speed Increased by 100%
- Blazing Speed: Too Fast to Tame
These pose two problems… when both of these buffs are active he’ll not only tear you apart, but also, you cannot tame him. The trick is to slow him down. Hunters must use Ice Traps and Concussive Shot to slow him, while also running from him (while in Aspect of the Cheetah) to avoid damage. Be sure to place your traps directly in is path. Solix has a small hitbox for a mob his size, which means he has a greater chance of skirting by a trap if you’re not careful.
The longer Solix is slowed, the more his focus will drop. Once his focus bar reaches below 50%, then the Blazing Speed buff will be off. Once the buff falls off, you can start taming him provided he’s still slowed and at range. Deterrence is also advisable for a little added insurance. 😉
Note: If Solix reaches zero focus he will die. If he’s nearing zero focus and you’re not in a position for a successful tame, Feign Death, reset him and try again.
Pet Type: Spider
- Tamable by: All Hunter Specs
- Special Abilities: Toxic Presence – an AoE debuff which does loads of periodic nature damage.
- Location: The Furnace, Molten front
- Aggressive: Yes
- NPCScan ID: 54323
Kirix Taming Strategy:
The best way to tame this guy is to hop on the floating rock across from where Kirix paths. From this platform, you can safely tame him with Aspect of the Wild on, using a Core Hound’s Ancient Hysteria buff, along with Deterrence. Ancient Hysteria will reduce the cast time on Tame Beast so that you can tame him while Deterrence is up – escaping his nature damage AoE.
Ancient Hysteria lasts for 40 seconds, so you can easily activate it, dismiss or abandon your Core Hound, then wait a few more seconds for Kirix to come around so you can begin the tame.
Pet Type: Spider
- Tamable by: All Hunter Specs
- Special Abilities: Searing Webs – A web attack with a nasty DoT effect.
- Location: Magma Springs in the Molten Front
- Aggressive: Yes
- NPCScan ID: 54338
Anthriss Taming Strategy:
The trick to taming Anthriss is to avoid the Searing Web. Searing Web is burned off by lava, so if you wade in the nearby lava you’ll be immune to the effect. You’ll gain a buff called Web Master which means you’ll have neutralized the effects of the Searing Web.
Find the nearest lava pool to Anthriss that is deep enough for you to swim in. Next, approach Anthriss, fire a Concussive Shot, Disengage back to the lava until at swimming depth, hit Deterrence and start taming.
Anthriss Preview Post with Video
Pet Type: Spider
- Tamable by: All Hunter Specs
- Special Auras and/or Abilities: Deth Metal – Increases Deth’tilac’s movement speed when not attacked, Aura of Deth’spair – Renders all healing useless, Deth Strike – One shot melee attack, Molten Will – Cannot be tamed unless at low health.
- Location: Behind the Forlorn Spire in the Molten Front
- Aggressive: You bet your ass
- NPCScan ID: 54322
Deth’tilac Taming Strategy:
Update: 08/31/11 – Check out this post for a bit more in-depth guide and first-hand account of taming Deth’tilac. The strategy is basically the same as outlined below, but with a couple of additional tips based upon my personal experience with solo taming this beastie.
Of all the new Patch 4.2 beasties, Deth’tilac poses the ultimate taming challenge. Deth’tilac’s Deth Strike one shots anything within his melee range, so you have to keep him slowed and at bay. Kiting is absolutely necessary. Furthermore, if he’s not continually attacked, he gains a movement speed buff, so you need to be applying constant pressure. Most importantly, he cannot be tamed until he’s at low health. The problem… he has over 37 million hit points.
The thing to note about Deth’tilac’s Deth Strike attack is that it sacrifices 10% of Deth’tilac’s health each time he uses it. For this reason, the best way to go about the taming process is to repeatedly sacrifice your pet until Deth’tilac’s at low health, at which time his Molten Will buff falls off, allowing you to tame him.
A spider works best due to the web ability. The web’s snare allows you enough time to get off Revive Pet right after a sacrifice. If you don’t have a spider in your stable already, then just tame one nearby and use it.
Prepare for the taming process by clearing trash from your kiting area. You don’t want any random mobs interfering with the taming process and causing issues. Once you aggro Deth’tilac, keep him slowed with Concussive Shot and Ice Traps, much the same way as you would with Solix. When your Ice Trap cooldown is about up, send your spider in to web and attack Deth’tilac. Deth’tilac will one shot your pet with Deth Metal – losing 10% of its health. Fire an Ice Trap in front of him and start reviving your pet. Rinse and repeat. Concussive Shot > Ice Trap > Web > Sacrifice Pet > Concussive Shot > Ice Trap > Revive Pet > Concussive Shot and so on…
After continuous pet sacrifices Deth’tilac’s health will drop low enough to where the Molten Will buff will fall off and you can begin taming. Just be sure Deth’tilac is still slowed and at max range, as you do not want to risk getting hit by Deth Strike.
Note: Be sure to tame Deth’tilac the moment Molten Will is down. If you wait too long, it’s possible for Deth’tilac to kill himself with a Deth Strike if his health is already very low.
Deth’tilac Preview Post with Video
Pet Type: Spider
- Tamable by: All Hunter Specs
- Special Abilities: Burning Frenzy – Damage increases based on current energy (focus) level, Superheated – Cannot be tamed
- Location: Fireplume Peak, Molten Front
- Aggressive: Indeed
- NPCScan ID: 54324
Skitterflame Taming Strategy:
What you need to do with Skitterflame is cool her down. When first encountered, Skitterflame has a buff up called Superheated, which prevents taming. In order to remove the buff, you must cool Skitterflame down with Freezing and/or Ice Traps. A word of caution though… if Skitterflame gets too cold, and her energy drops to zero, she will die. Also, if you kite her through lava it will heat her back up, refreshing her energy bar.
A good strategy for Skitterflame involves 2 Freezing Traps, plus an Ice Trap. This provides sufficient cooling, allowing for a tame, yet preventing her energy from getting too low.
Launch a Freezing Trap right on top of her, followed by another. Once the cooldown is up, place a Frost Trap right in front of her. By the time Skitterflame breaks free from the second trap she should be just about ready for taming as she is wading through the Frost Trap. If not, hit her with a Scatter Shot to keep her wading through the iciness. Pop Deterrence at the start of taming just for good measure.
Skitterflame Preview Post with Video
Obsidian Cat and Liquid Metal Crab..?! WTF..?!
Last but not least, there are two brand new and very nice looking pet models being added in Patch 4.2. One is an obsidian cat named, Skarr, and the other a liquid metal crab named, Karkin. These beasties are both rare, they share the same two spawn locations on Fireplume Peak… and are not exotic, so they can be tamed while in any hunter spec. Here’s where you can find them…
Spawn Locations for Skarr and Karkin
There are two floating rock platforms where Skarr and Karkin can be found. Also, it’s believed that only one of them will be up at once, so it’s highly unlikely you’ll encounter both of them at the same time. They seem to share a spawn timer, with alternating spawn times.
Pet Type: Cat
- Tamable by: All Hunter Specs
- Special Abilities: Some sort of fireball, meteor attack. Not entirely sure what it’s called, but it will nuke your ass if you’re not prepared.
- Location: 2 Spawn Locations on Fireplume Peak, Molten Front (shares spawn timer with Karkin)
- Hostile: Yes
- NPCScan ID: 50815
Skarr Taming Strategy:
Early on, Skarr was able to be locked down in a Freezing Trap, but that luxury has since been removed. This means, once again… you just need to survive the tame. 😉
Skarr casts a fireball attack which does a decent amount of damage, increasing as you’re pelted with more of them. The easiest way to tame him is to:
- Bring a Core Hound with you, and maybe a Potion of Speed as well.
- Platform jump to a floating rock that’s within Tame Beast range. Flying mounts are not allowed in the Molten Front. 🙁
- Activate Ancient Hysteria.
- Dismiss or abandon your Core Hound.
- Swill down a Potion of Speed.
- Hit Deterrence and Tame.
Here’s a handy macro that will aid you in this process. Use it just after you’ve dismissed or abandoned your Core Hound…
/use Potion of Speed
/cast Deterrence
/cast Tame Beast
If you’re MM spec you can use Silencing Shot to interrupt his cast – locking it out long enough to squeeze in a tame. About halfway through his first cast, fire a Silencing Shot at him, then start Tame Beast immediately.
Pet Type: Crab
- Tamable by: All Hunter Specs
- Special Abilities: Karkin uses the same type of fire attack that Skarr uses.
- Location: 2 Spawn Locations on Fireplume Peak, Molten Front (shares spawn timer and locxations with Skarr)
- Hostile: Yes
- NPCScan ID: 50959
Karkin Taming Strategy:
The strategy for taming Karkin is identical to what you need to do with Skarr. Bring some haste buffs, use Deterrence to avoid his fire damage, and tame… The Silencing Shot technique works on him as well.
Well there ya have it folks… loads and loads of new exciting hunter pets to track down.
If you want to see some screenshots of some Patch 4.2 Taming Challenge successes, check out the Taming Challenge Pet Screenshot Gallery.
Good luck and happy hunting!
This 4.2 guide was put together using several sources, including: WoWHead, various YouTube videos, and of course… the ever helpful Petopia Forums.
what are some good addons for finding these?
A tip for firstly Skarr, just get Tame Beast glyph so you decrease cast time on it
by 4 seconds, then you don’t need anything else, just have that and pop tame beast, it goes faster than he casts fireball.
During Deth’tilac, a tip is: Select talent binding shot, that stun actually works on his, i just tamed him.
And Garwulf, thanks, your guide helped me get 4 rares in Molten Front at the same time: Deth’tilac, Anthriss, Kirix and Skarr. Took maybe an hour in total 🙂
I have everyone save Kirkin and Ankha and am waiting on the respawn. I play on Runetotem. If any hunter wants help or an interference runner and I’m on, whisper away. I tamed Deth’tilac by kitting him to the NPCs and letting them from 60% to under 30%. I have to be quick on revive and dismiss though. With that many things to kill, he will die quickly.
Thanks for the help, was able to successfully tame Deth’ilac Single handedly!
First try aswell.
So stoked I ran into this site! I really like the maps you have with the image of the creature over the area it spawns, that’s dope
I caught Ban’Thalos and Skitterflame tonight thanks to your maps. Although I was going for the tiger in hyjal and deth’tilac but hey – IM HAPPY 🙂
Hope to catch more – good stuff
Grats, CoLiN! Glad you like the maps. 🙂 Good luck on your future taming adventures.
Got Ban’thalos today using your guide thanks
For all those folks out there trying to tame Karkin, here is the rotation I used:
Tame Beast -> Stop Channeling -> Silencing Shot -> Tame Beast
If you’ve never tried taming Karkin before, here is some information on him:
Karkin has two main abilities: Fireball (3 second cast, roughly 17,000 damage) and Fieroclast Barrage (5 second cast, about 70,000 damage + interrupt).
[Note: Karkin will ONLY use Fieroclast Barrage as the Hunter casts Tame Beast.]
This is why is works: Karkin, like some mobs in the game, runs on a script (they will react a certain way depending on their situation). With the information provided that he will only cast Fieroclast Barrage on a Tame Beast (this is Karkin’s “script”), you must first cast Tame Beast so you can interrupt him and lock out the next move in his rotation. Within the three second interval of the silencing effect from Silencing Shot, you must recast Tame Beast so Karkin will only pelt you with 17k fireballs instead of that pesky 70k damage interrupt.
Hope this helps!
karkin a robot or metal
I used the method above by finding the closest updraft and getting the 2 min buff for speed increase. You don’t need pots or deterance, just move to the ridge in front of Skarr and tame him. The tame bar is done before he gets half his first cast off.
This guide got bookmarked the day I found it. As a BM hunter my pets are my life, I now have all the rares I wanted, tripped over Magria and knew what to do thanks to you. Three different attempts on Ban’thalos (screw that human warlock I’m glad she died) with help from my guildies who played distract to get her down. Skarr I took an ele shaman to windshear his fireball cast. Six attempts for him, my repair bill sucked. Your info worked a treat I just needed an edge. Deth’tilac though….3 days in a row, same spawn time, it killed itself each time because of interference from outsiders. Last day I took a damned party, lots of all the things you said. Concussive shot, spiders be sacrificed, ice traps galore. Now I have a pretty purple spider.
Well.. I think that the guide for taming skarr is VERY unusable. I will tell you why.
I tamed him like this:
I went to “Fireplume Peak” and found him on the “floating rocks” – If you knows where he spawns, you know what im talking about.. So while in “Fireplume Peak” you are still in range for skarr to be tameable, and yet out of range of anything he can do.. So he just stands passive, while you tame.
I think that is very easy and it saved me a lot of truble.. Now I have all spiders too, since you can bugg them 😉
Thank You was reading the guide casually while questing in firelands , flicked by on Wow to find Anthriss sitting in front of me 🙂
Thank you a very lot!
First of all wanted to say, that this is a fantastic guide. Really nice for finding them and also learn some tips on taming them.
To be honest I tamed Anthris without anything written in guide, since could not find lava pool deep enough to swim in, so just went for it at a max range and tamed him before died 🙂
When it comes to Skitterflame, he interrupts me each time I start to tame, have they made him untamable? Or how to avoid that?
Man I love this guide saved me multiple deaths. I did Karkin first and he shot and missed so he was easy street. One exception was Skarr.
Ancient Hysteria, Dismiss, Speed potion, Deterence, Tame didn’t work. After Multiple Deaths and tons of repair I took a stab at castin Lava Breath before dissmiss BINGO! so kewl….
Funny thing is I didn’t find this guide till after I got Ban’thalos Took me two hours to figure out to fly, drop to the colum potion trap tame added him to my collection of spirt beasts.. too bad I normally run sv
I killed Karkin on my mage, I didn’t realize that he was so special until this hunter just lost it on me. I felt bad but also he didn’t say to stop. I’ll leave the rare spawns alone from now on.
I have seen Skarr spawn.. get killed by a horde and 3less than 15 mins later Karkin spawned in the alternate location and was tamed by another horde (because I failed to tame).
FOR EVERYONE: if you get the haste buff from the winds getting onto the island, and get to Skarr/Karkin fast enough, just hit tame. It tames so fast you actually don’t even see the cast bar move. These two are actually the easiest tames if you can keep people from killing them or messing with you while camping them.
Just tamed Karkin(crab) your guide and macro was pretty much right on. I did it on second try because at first I folowed your guide, interupted first cast, cast macro and died lol.
You dont need core hound at all, All i did is Start with casting Tame, he casts his big spell, interupupt that, then hit macro (haste potion, deterance and tame) you get pelted with about 2-3 fireballs, but get him no probs… i had like 80% health left
Tips on Deth’tilac. Make a spec with 3 points in trap mastery in the survival tree for a longer trap. It made all the difference in the time to move away. Also I recommend kiting him back and forth along the edge and around the pillar at either end. Kill some of the spiders and stuff before you begin it makes it easier. That way less people see you doing it and come over to distract you.
I just got Skitterflame, this guide helped so much! 😀
I got Karkin and Ankha yesterday =D AWESOME!
Thanks for the tips 😉
I don’t know if this is intended or not. I helped a hunter tame Deth’tilac on my druid. Roots no longer has a damage effect and thereby is more reliable. I just rooted him everytime roots broke while hunter sacrificed his pet. Took away the challange so I am sure it will be hotfixed.
mmmm got all the new rares except the same skin spiders (got deth) thanx for the guide
Thx for the Guides i have now all new rares thx i´m happy about this my first tame was deth tilac thx for the guides =)
which quests do we have to do to see them? 🙁
where to start?
mout hyjal
This has helped me get some new pets, so far I have tamed Skarr, Kirix, Solix, and just now Karkin. I managed to tame Karkin just by tame, silence shot, and tame cuz my deterence was on CD since I died in a rush to tame him when I was the only one there lol.
Thanks so much for the help! It’s much appreciated for us ‘not so skilled’ hunters to know the steps….even if we do have trouble executing them! lol
The Skarr tame ….is it not possible to do with bm anymore? Ive gotten pwned usuing the bm strat even with potion of speed and haste flasks on top of each other…… Didnt miss by much…but it was consistantly short everytime, by just enough. Pilot error?
I got my ass kicked with this strat too. -_- I tried like 4-5 times. Each with Hysteria! So yeah…I had a lot of time to try. Too bad my MM spec has no silence. 🙁
MM spec does have silencing shot. Look in your spell book.
You have to spec it in your talents.
Thanks man for the advise of your guide but I used another MM Hunter, while I was BM. I did used Ancient Hysteria and the MM Hunter used Silencing Shot while I started my tame. Three other hunters were there too trying and dying everytime. One week of camping out and landed him today at 11:27am server time on Eldre’Thalas. A long wait with great excitement. This pet is the best I have yet to see for me as a cat lover. For all other hunters, Happy Hunting!!!
Caught Skarr with a lot of help from this site. 🙂 I’d had a rough week after losing my job but decided to spend the night at a pal’s house. Needless to say, I spent some time leveling an alt before deciding to camp some rares for good old time sake. Got ganked once while I was AFK but promptly returned the favor, then resumed my sit.
I only had to wait for about an hour before Skarr lifted his regal head into view.
I was sure I was only going to get the crab, who I’d of liked to have had a LOT LESS than this guy. So when Skarr himself arrived, you could imagine my thrill. 🙂 Got all shaky and pumped up but luckily was the only hunter in the area. Tame pulled, popped Silencing Shot, then macroed Deterrence + Tame beast and caught him flawlessly.
Stay hopeful guys!
Loque’nahak is still my record longest search it took to tame. Caught all the Cata rares within the first week and so on. They’re getting easier, not harder. <3 So don't get discouraged!
Not sure if you can do this to help for the Metal Crab/Kitty but if you can get a rogue to Smoke Bomb under you, it might work. Haven’t tested it, but i’m pretty sure it would work.
Eight out of ten challenges done this week. If it wasn’t for the idiotic alliance on this server lol wouldn’t have them. They think they can just tame them and ignore the challenge. So I just laugh for a little while then show them how its done. Good luck to all hunters! Magria and Anhka last two left for me.
Hey, thanks to this guide i got Ankha, Skarr and Karkin. Although i jumped all the rocks and got the buff, so i got Karkin and Skarr a little faster. But no luck on Solix, Kirix or Ban’thalos, but gonna keep trying. Good luck to every one else.
Hi all, I just tamed skitterflame today on fenris at about 2:30 pm. If it wasn’t for this site I never would have gotten the tame. It still took me 5 tries to get it. Another hunter kept trying to tame while I was clearing mobs for kiting. Lucky for me I don’t think he has been here. I used 3 freezing traps, to cool him off, and a bunch of cucussive shots. to keep him slowed down. I started the tame during the 3rd trap. was a piece of cake once I got the cadence down. I did have trouble with him loosing intrest in me if I tried kiting too far. so on the second trap I just ran back the other way I came from. Good luck to all you hunters out there.
Just tamed Deth’tilac on Maelstrom/Horde this morning at 11:22 with the help of an Allie Nelf Hunter, and a Goblin DK. Thanks to both of them with help on pet sacrifices! Very challenging and long tame! Good Luck to all who pursue this tame!
Scored Solix last night. No luck on others too many people camping 🙁 but, Solix had to have been the funnest tame. Nothing like running from a huge spider trying to slow him.
thanks a lot man i just got the purple and the green spider
I found Kirix and Skarr both on my Death Knight at the same time… I was so pissed when I hadn’t actually done the dailies on my hunter so I couldn’t get to the Molten Front.
I could not have tamed Deth’tilac without your help! Thank you so much!
Hi i was wondering if you could scare beast Skarr then tame him with ancient hysteria
would this work? lol
For people wondering how other players are already at Molten Front, there was a double reset on the dailies and for the people lucky enough to do them got the 20 tokens, like me lol
How are people getting into the Molten Front?!?! I thought you needed 20 tree tokens to unlock the portal.
I have not been able to get in thought it takes 3 days for 20 marks. I have unlocked the spirit beasts.
Hi thank you for the info on how to tame these pets, i just tamed Karkin, Kirix, and Skitterflame with your help.
You have to do quest to unlock them, to see them but then other players are also.
There were at lest 5 after mine at the same time. They are on spawn timers so who knows how often they spawn yet.
I’m a little confused about these pets. Are they treated as rares? Do they re-spawn rather quickly? I thought I read at one point some of them needed items to activate. Is there competition for these pets? Can other hunters, or other players hurt the pets and prevent you from successfully taming them?
I was actually hoping there would be an item that basically when used created a phase shift so that only you could be involved in the taming process and prevent griefing.
Yes I was hopeing for that too,
like u do Dailies and in the end u have enough points to go there.
sadly its not.
The new 4.2 Pets are not so good in my Opinion nothing spectacular about them, Not like the Spirit Pets in LK. The Spirit Bear with a Druid Shape stays my nr1 together with the oil stained Wolf
But here is my Question is there a Way to tame a Fire Druid Cat ? or the Demon Dogs?
Its Fireland and we Hunter dont get a Fire Pet that feels so wrong (Spiders are pvp only)
Well followed your guide and I was the first one on Duskwood to tame Bon’thalos at 1130 Pacific time.
He was very hard several hunters were trying to tame him and fall to their death.
Trick is to be under him as he flies have freezing trap down and wait for another
hunter to bring him down and die. Then you tame him before he can attack..
^^ Lol, this method is evil!
So any idea when they will let us tame Hydra’s??
I may be wrong, but I thought that was coming in this patch too. Guess I gotta go get me a hydra now. =P
Perfect! Thank you so much for this!
You’re welcome… glad you like the guide. 🙂
Dude this has helped me out so much im going hunting as soon as the servers are up. Thanks alot!! 😀
You’re welcome!
il like to say since patch 5.0 came out its ffaster to tame the glyph reduces the cast time of tame my 4sec. which IS A LOT for a TAme.added to the core houd Hysteria , this was so helpfull to me and i just wanted to share u guys this info. btw i got them all in just 1 hour 🙂 happy tames guys and GL