This is entry #8 in the 30 days of WarCraft series of articles.
Hmmm… I’ve seen so many over the years that I’d liked, but most of the names escape me right now.
I guess my all-time favorite would have to be < Scary Bad Guys >. I know it’s not all that exciting, but it’s a guild name I remembered from back in vanilla… a horde guild, obviously. It appealed to my corny sense of humor. 😉
What about you guys..? I’m sure you can do better than me… what were/are some of your favorite guild names?
My favorite is OmgBrbIcecreamtruck
Kalimdor fried Kodo comes in my mind =)
I have to say, I Kill You..was cool and Powered by Coffee, my own Guild.
hitler has pro aoe
Always chuckled at a horde guild called “Spearmint kodo” on my server.
a guild i used to be part of it “one gold please”
Some that I will always remember.
Whoops, apparently can’t use brackets here…
“Sapped Girls Cant Say No”
“More HKs than Hitler”
“JFK was AFK”
“Jesus Had a Soulstone”
My storage alt bank: Lootaholics Anonymous.
My favorite is the one for my own all Gnome guild…Gnome ercy!
pulp faction xD
“We Are Just Better”
“Cant Now Gotta Raid”
“Gnome Punters”
“How Do U Like Dem Applez”
“Rogues Take Zero Skill”
“Cult Of The Lazy Peon”
“Welcome To Errf”
Shoot…I didn’t realize it would cut them out if I used the guild tag…hehe
Those were supposed to be:
Running With Scissors
The Saltine Assault Team
DiedThere BeenThat (my current guild)
Muppets From Hell
You No Take Candle (my bank storage guild)
I’ve been a part of several guilds that had cool names. I’ve been in , , and (currently) . There’s a guild on my server called . My favorite might just be the name that I use for my personal storage: . 🙂
I always liked “Dire Muffins” on Thunderhorn EU. They changed their name to Dragon Muffins after a merger, though I prefer the original. They’re also still going and run 10 mans alongside my own guild, Feral Instinct.