Special thanks

…to those of you who went the extra step to thank we with a monetary token of gratitude in regards to my semi-rant concerning my hosting woes. Considering the whopping $89 I have to cough up each month for VPS hosting to power the HL, every little bit helps. 🙂

In fact, thanks in large part to one very generous contributor, I received enough tips to cover two months of hosting, with a little change to spare for a few ice cold barleypops. 🙂

As it turned out, I was able to lessen my resource usage a bit, but it still wasn’t enough to get me into a lower tier plan. So… that’s that. The good news is, I have room to grow! 😀

This is why I’ve gone and spruced things up a tad from where the site was last week. As long as I have the room… may as well decorate. 😉

I also spent quite a bit of time polishing up the forums. Some of the changes may not be immediately visible, as they are very minor, but I made a few positive adjustments.

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