With Deathwing preparing to tear Azeroth asunder in just a few short weeks, now is a great time to venture out and snatch up any rare pets you’ve been thinking about taming. Once Cataclysm hits, it’s possible some of them may not be around anymore. Certain one-of-a-kind pets like Araga and Strider Clutchmother may be on the verge of extinction, as well as quite a few other unusual and/or rare spawn pets.
The other thing to keep in mind is that the world of Azeroth as we know it will be changing forever. The next few weeks can be a nice opportunity to take it easy, go hunting for some pets, and see the world. We’ve got two dozen available slots now and a lot of new special pet abilities to play with… go have some fun.
The screenshot at the top of this post was sent in by a long-time reader, Semilac. I have to say… that is one impressive stable, not to mention a very cool WoW Hunter pet montage. All four Spirit Beasts, King Krush, Nuramoc, Uhk’loc, … very well done!
Some of you may recognize his name from a previous post. Semilac originally became semi-famous when I posted an earlier screenshot of his server-first tame of Skoll, just after Patch 3.2 went live; August of last year. That particular post happens to be one of the all-time most viewed posts on this site. 😯
Along with Semilac and many other hunters, I too have been venturing out in an effort to expand my pet collection. Many of the new pets I’ve acquired are actually favorites of mine from before, but had to be cut loose at one time or another. Not anymore though… with 24 (soon to be 25) stable slots, I can now accommodate my beloved pets from yesteryear and still have room for what will be lurking in Cataclysm.
Which reminds me… don’t get too crazy trying to fill the stable, because you are going to need a few empty slots for some of the exciting new creatures found in the upcoming expansion. We’re gonna have monkeys, foxes, Helboars, parrots, dogs, beetles and more… including the soon-to-be-sought-after Ghostcrawler, which you may want to camp… or kill… or camp and kill. Repeatedly. *nods at Rilgon*
So what about you all..? You been busy adding to the stable?
If anyone else has any cool shots like Semilac’s, I’d love to post them. 🙂
Oh ya… and lawman… thanks again for the catch phrase. 😉 I’m tellin’ ya… t-shirts would be badass. What hunter wouldn’t want a shirt with their own unique stable of pets printed on the back..?!
*wheels turning*
i just picked up skoll yesterday, if your wondering (or for somereason dont know about it yet) there is an addon that you can download from curse called “NPCscan” and most importantly (to show paths and spawn/setup points) “NPCscan Overlay” just go to curse.com to download! happy hunting!!! 🙂
I happened to tame Loque at around 6:40am server time, a few minutes past as I think he may have spawned at 6:40, that’s when my friend found him – and I was all the way in Zul Drak looking for Gondria, but I hearthed, took portal to WG (luckily we had it!), then flew to SB – and there was an Alliance Hunter there too, but he did not dare coming down as my pally friend was camping him for me ^^ Needless to say that made my morning! Now on to Gondria!
Gar! It’s been a long time! I’ve been so busy that I haven’t played WoW for about 3 months (scary I know). I wasn’t very hyped on it until I saw the Cata trailer…and now I’m sad because the world will never be the same. I must get these pets! I have a couple spirit beasts, but more must be done! I never get to really play the alliance side of the game before Cata, which makes me sad, but oh well. With every end comes a new beginning. I really want to get back and finally pick my blog back up…I’m so excited.
I went an a hunting expedition which lasted 2 days with another fellow hunter. Though I do not have any spirit beasts D: I was kinda of half hearted about grabbing certain pets just because they won’t be available later/are rare (not only because of my terrible luck, I’ve only seen a dead Loq in Sholazar – oh wait I did have Nur before but had to abandon) – I went by looks. Made a list of pets I must have for raid/party buffs, then from there made a list of pets I thought were purrrdy and decided to tame those.
But after seeing that screenshot. I want teh rare petz!
Dont have those pets yet … 🙁 well Im just sitting here waiting for CATA …
Great artwork. I’ll go make my own, Gar… based on my stable at the forums:
The first thing I went after once 4.0 hit was Arcturis. It took me three days of camping ’til I found him. I’d caught all the other spirit beasts, but I never had the space for my Baloo-bear. I needed my wolf for MM raiding, and I adoooore my Kurken. With me being Horde and Kurken out in Azuremyst, getting out to him was a long journey, especially with me not being familiar with the area at all…there was no way I was going to drop him for Arcturis! Hmm…I’ve also got a white polar bear tank, a frosty chimera, the white and purple devilsaur, etc…none of the other rares yet.
On my *still wants to tame* list…I’m thinking about going for King Krush. I made two solo-tame attempts on him in the past, but he was always the one that got away. 🙁 Whenever my guildies and I go to TK I make rounds for Nuramoc. Hopefully I can get them both one day…
I’ve been on a taming spree since 4.0.1 hit trying to pick up all the pets I have had in the past that I want again and some that I have never tamed, but decided why not at this point (Ghost Saber).
So far, the ones worth mentioning are:
– Loque’nahak
– Nuramoc
– Uhk’loc
– Old Cliff Jumper
– Aotona
– The Beast (even with the change to BW, not too bad a tame with enough Haste)
– Grubthor (just got him the other night 🙂
– Scarlet Tracking Hound
– Bjarn
– Mazzranache
– Sian-Rotam
– Shy-Rotam
– Ghost Saber
– Frostsaber Pride Watcher
Now I’m after the other spirit beasts and a post 4.0.1 attempt at Krush. Come Cata, I’ll tame more and may drop a couple of the cats in favor of others, but I’ll plan on having all 25 slots maxed out at any given time.
For those that have tamed both The Beast and Krush, I know Krush hits extremely hard, but how do the timings of the fears both cast compare to each other? With The Beast, I of course dealt with the fear and the knockback, but with enough haste was able to pull the tame off on the second try (the first was without any haste boost as a baseline). Does Krush also have a knockback?
I am interested in this info as well. I have tamed each of the other T-Rexes and the collector in me DESPISES that the one I don’t have is the one I want the most. >=(
When the day comes that I do get to Krush first before he gets ganked I have to make DAMN SURE I get him before he gets ganked.
I tamed Krush the other night, and really didn’t have any difficulty. I’m really not overgeared by any means, only a couple of pieces from tier 9 at the time. I have around 20k health, and he feared me right at the start, but I started retaming immediately after it wore off and did fine. I think i ended up with half health remaining. It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, he surprised me so I wasn’t “prepared” either.
I’ve been trying to fill the stable, but I’m at the Skoll hump…I want him bad and have yet to see him at all. I’ve been there at the top of every hour as well as the half hour mark and come up empty all the time, any of you with him have any tips?
I’ve done some more reading, and judging by what I have read and what you just wrote, I should be OK. I have a few T9 pieces, but currently decked out in all PVP gear for the STM. I’m sitting close to ~28-29K unbuffed, so that sounds good. Combine that with the haste trinket and a speed potion, I should be good to go.
Now, it’s time to hunt Krush!
When I last tried to tame him I had stacked haste, chugged a haste pot and popped my engi gloves and rapid fire just for hoping that it’d bring down the cast time, and popped my pvp trink to break fear and tamed, no luck at all. His fears were still too fast. I gave up on it after that, ended up the 3rd time some one killed him while i was trying to tame it.
I have got my tame on like MAD since the patch! I just tamed the oil-stained wolf the other night which was a fun and somewhat challenging tame as far as the timing goes. I am now mired in the misery that is Sholazar Basin trying to race to a Krush or Aotona spawn before some jag kills it! But I WILL NOT be denied!!! They will be mine!
P.S. If you actually go with shirts, I’m in! Maybe something with the slogan on the front and a bunch of cool looking rare beasties on the back. My only request would be to hold off till Cata hits because I want ALL the SBs on a shirt if I’m buying it and I would virtually DEMAND the magma turtle. I LOVE the look of that pet. So fierce! So tank-y! /faints
As Kassiopeia pointed out, Blizzard had done a very nice job seeing that “no skin is left behind” in this expansion. Most if not all of them will be obtainable in some way.
For example, the Strider Clutchmother is disappearing, but there are mobs with her skin readily available in Swamp of Sorrows.
I think the big challenge lies in keeping enough open slots to tame all of the cool stuff in Cata. Twenty five stable slots is looking very, very small right now.
Hello Garwulf,
some of the rares might disappear, but the skins show up on different creatures so so far it seems that no old world rare is completely disappearing, here’s the post for more info:
I want to go out and tame, but I’ve been farming for a blue dragon sinew when I play trying to get my 24 slot “quiver” quest wrapped up before its gone forever, also need my Feralas beacon for my mechanical chicken pet… Bad hunter is bad.
Damn… now you have me wondering… I’m not sure I have that pet yet. I’ll have to check and see. If not, I’m going after that beacon myself. I know I’ve done the other escort quests in Tanaris and The Hinterlands, but Feralas… I dunno.
http://www.wowhead.com/item=11474 is reportedly going to be removed, which is also an item obtained in Feralas. Just FYI for anyone interested in non-combat pets. It’s one I don’t have yet on Garwulf, so I may start the quest chain for it as well.
So much to do and the clock is ticking…
From http://www.wowhead.com/item=8705#comments by Snore
run this script:
/run local function f() t={};GetQuestsCompleted(t); l={485,836,351,648,2766,2767,3721};for i=1,7 do if not t[l[i]]
then print(l[i]) end end end;x=CreateFrame(“FRAME”);x:RegisterEvent(“QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE”); x:SetScript(“OnEvent”,f);QueryQuestsCompleted()
Now you will see a few quest IDs, there are the quests you have not completed yet.
This is how you can read the IDs:
485 = Find OOX-09/HL! – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=485
836 = Rescue OOX-09/HL – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=836
351 = Find OOX-17/TN! – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=351
648 = Rescue OOX-17/TN! – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=648
2766 = Find OOX-22/FE! – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2766
2767 = Rescue OOX-22/FE! – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2767
3721 = An OOX of Your Own – http://www.wowhead.com/quest=3721