On the eve of my hacking, I decided to shake things up for a bit and respec to Marksmanship for PvP. My intention was to get out of my BM comfort zone for a few days and to also slap together some useful Power Auras for MM hunters.
Well, as many of you already know, I was mugged early the next morning. My account got hijacked, Blizz banned me for excessive gold transferring between accounts and locked me out for three days… good stuff. 😕
Anyhow, my 72 hour suspension eventually ended and although I’ve been left with a decimated raiding set, my PvP gear is still pretty much intact. With the exception of my Whispering Fanged Skull, all of my other pieces were bought with points and were unable to be vendored. Because of this, I’ve at least been able to hit the battlegrounds at full power.
Well, I think it’s safe to say that my previously intended short tenure as a MM PvP hunter has now become an extended stay. I went all-in last night, abandoning both of my BM PvP pets. Don’t worry… I can always get them back if I decide to…
Now don’t get me wrong, I still think BM is a great spec for PvP. It’s actually a great way (the best, perhaps) to go for many players, because it offers the least complicated style of play along with the greatest degree of survivability. Those are actually two reasons why I like it so much.
However, Marksmanship when done right, has no equal in my opinion.
Going all-in for Marksmanship was a big decision for me. Not only did I have to blow another 100G respeccing back and forth, but I had to make a judgment call on which exotic pets to get rid of. Being that I’m a pet-crazed BM Hunter at heart, my stable was then filled with 4 exotics and my raiding pet, which of course was my never-ever-ever-to-be-abandoned Ghost Wolf. My wolf had been working out alright, but I knew if I was gonna really do this, a new sidekick was needed. Beyond Charge and a little added DPS, wolves don’t bring a heck of a lot to the table for PvP.
In the end, I decided to abandon both of my BM PvP pets. Surprising decision, I know. Thing is though, once we get those additional stable slots Blizzard is talking about, I can always go back and get ’em again. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing just that. If we had expanded stable slots right now, I’d be on perma-safari just about. I’m silly like that. 😉
More on this in a bit…
I knew you’d come around to my side of the house eventually.:)
Yep, and the weather’s nice over here. 🙂
What’d you end up using for a pvp pet? Ravager?
Yep. Ravager was my first choice. I like the 2 sec stun/knockback because it works as a spell interrupt, snare and short-term silence. The spider’s web is nice, but casters can still heal/dps while snared, plus it’s dispellable(?). Most importantly, spider for a pet… no way, can’t do it.
My other stable slot will be to experiment with other pets. Right now I’m looking at trying a serpent, but chances are I’ll probably go with a crab for my 2nd pet. I’d like to have one cunning pet for RoR (+ the stun) and a tenacity pet for Intervene and Roar of Sacrifice. I spec into Wolverine Bite, RoR and Bullheaded, so no room for RoS in my cunning pet build.
must be glad that the hacker wasn’t a complete douche and didn’t deleted your ghost wolf
Yea, no kidding! That thought crossed my mind. It was a huge sigh of relief seeing it beside me at the log in screen. Lucky he/she was mostly a douche and not a complete one. 😉 Whew!
So I have a question about the Ghost Wolf. Is it a wolf that looks like a spirit beast but has Furious Howl like a normal wolf? If so….talk about getting the best of both worlds. A spirit beast-looking wolf WITH Furious Howl so you don’t get laughed out of raids.
It has regular wolf abilities and is non-exotic, but looks exactly like the Enhancement Shaman’s Spirit Wolves.
Dammit, Gar! I was about to write about this a bit on my blog. Granted, I can’t claim the years of BM but I still have made recent excursions to MM. I really like it, I like the change of tactics. Keeps me on my toes, you know?