Getting settled

A-Ha! This is a nice theme.

Found this theme on the WordPress site. Looks pretty cool. Sexy image of Garwulf in Darnassus has been added as well. I originally was going to use a screenshot from Ironforge, but then I figured I needed to keep it real. Gotta rep the homeland.

A new hunter haven on the web

Well, things are shaping up here quite nicely. My vast knowledge of the workings of the interwebs has allowed me to deploy this new blog in a most expedient manner. It’s pretty fun too. I just hope that others may find something of value (or at least have a few laughs at my expense) here at

Why Huntsman’s Lodge dot com you ask..? Well… it seemed appropriate, easy to remember, and most importantly… it was available! In 2008, domain names are slim pickins’. Maybe after my WoW career is over I’ll be able to sell it for some big dough to a wealthy resort owner.

Ok, it’s back to work for now. I need to add that bitchin little piece of code from WoWHead that’ll allow me to display shiny purple tooltips on here.


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