Since life outside the game has compromised my raid availability the past few weeks, I’ve been doing most of my Huntering on my low level Orc. I gotta tell you though… 40-49 BGs are a refreshing change from the end game grind. I’m also really starting to enjoy this whole PvP server atmosphere. It adds an unpredictable and exciting element of game play, that’s for sure.
Once I leveled out of the 30-39 bracket, I decided my next mission was going to be the taming of one of my all-time favorite rare pets.
To me, he’s one of the coolest pets in the game. For one, he’s super rare. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen him with other Hunters over the years. He’s pretty tough to get because he spawns only 1-2 times per day, plus he’s in a high traffic area. This is only the second time I’ve ever tamed him, and I have to say it’s one of the more exciting “Old World” tames, especially for a Horde character.
For those unfamiliar with this rare gray wolf, he spawns right near Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands. Trying to tame him on a PvP server adds a whole new element of danger and frustration, due to his proximity to the Alliance base. Lucky for me, I was only ganked twice while on my search for him; both times by an 80 NE Hunter. 😆 Go figure.
The other night I’m cruising around minding my own business, farming the wolves for their skins and hides while waiting for Old Cliff Jumper to pop. Pretty soon I see a an Ally roll up on a Mechanostrider not too far away from me, then stop. Just about the time I hovered over him to see his level and class… BOOM! HEADSHOT! The Alliance scum nukes me with an Explosive Shot.
To make matters worse, he Shadowmelded near my corpse and put his cat on Prowl. I figured I’d res, go into Aspect of the Beast, and have just enough time to mount up and escape. Wrong. Within 2 seconds of res’ing, I’m getting clawed to death by his King Bangalash. Needless to say, this 80 NE Hunter has made “my list”.
One day I’ll be 80, then there will be a headhunting. 😈
At any rate, I am definitely getting the hang of this PvP server environment. Some of the lessons I’ve been learning the hard way however…
Last night I hopped aboard the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet alongside a level 44 Draenei Mage. He dismounts and comes over to me as if to taunt, so I just sit there hoping he’ll do something to give me an excuse to Scatter Shot him and then melt his face off. He just sits there… waiting. Then just as we’re about to zone out, he knocks me off the boat with his Blast Wave. 😕
I was a little irritated, but I was laughing at myself more than anything. I give the guy props for taking advantage of me like that, however he not only made “my list”, but I set out on the hunt for him immediately. Instead of waiting for the boat, I hearthed to Orgrimmar and then took a taxi to Gadgetzan. Since he was 44, I figured there was a good chance I’d meet up with him in Tanaris.
He wasn’t in or around Gadgetzan, so I decided to take one of my lower level pets out of the stable and go grind some experience for him. If I ran into the Ally scum, then bonus.
I never did find the Mage, but I did run into another would-be Alliance assassin. This time it was a level 48 Boomkin. Again, I was just minding my own business, killing pirates and what not. Next thing I know, the Druid is gone. Hmmm…
I popped a flare, dropped a frost trap, then went on about my business. A few minutes went by and nothing, yet past experience told me to keep my guard up, so I did. Wouldn’t you know it… The opportunistic Ally scum tries to Pounce me while I’m busy with two mobs. I detected him before his opener, then quickly made short work. I think he was surprised by this, as I think he got off maybe one Moonfire was all.
I for one have not been hostile towards any Alliance players unless provoked. However, I’m quickly learning that you can never trust an Alliance player, even if they appear friendly. They’re probably just waiting for me to let my guard down.
At least I hope so, because that’s when the fun begins. 😉
Truly thou art the hunter supreme and thanks verily for the help…btw..this is my hunters name on Thunderlord …look me up if your ever there…Lostone – Kittens of Doom…
Have Peace or kick some ass…
@ Lostone
That’s a Power Aura. It’s a 3rd party addon that displays visual notifications. I don’t know that replacing the gauntlet/sword thingy would be all that easy or advisable.
Hey Man: Can you tell me where you got the crosshair circle? in the pic up top? I want to change my game mouse pointer icon.
Thanks in advance Chris Lostone Gray
Well I just got my DK up to 80, so probably won’t be playing my hunter much for a while, so yeah might as well park it at the spawn point and check every now and then.
Carbonite is your friend. 🙂
@Gar heh, fair enough 🙂
You are much braver than I am… until now, I have always avoided PVP servers. Recently, however, several friends are playing on PVP servers, so I’m thinking about giving it a try. So what server have you been playing your Orc on? I’m going to try and see how the alliance/horde ratios are out there. Good luck and happy hunting!!
@ Lowlight
I’m on Hakkar. I don’t recommend it though. The auction house economy sucks and trying to get a group for anything past the level 30ish dungeons is like pulling teeth. Unless you’re a BG rat like me, or you like it nice & quiet, I’d suggest trying a medium pop server. It seems like there are nothing but 80s and bank alts here. 🙄
I first played on a PVP server, not knowing any better, and eventually got fed up with the constant ganking by max level characters (nothing like being ganked from the air by an unseen Alliance SCUM, hello Hellfire Peninsula…). However, I have to admit that nothing teaches you how to play your class like being thrown into unexpected battles for survival. I probably would never have focused on learning kiting, jump shots, directional reversals into wing clips, etc. had it not been for my time on a PVP server.
Plus, it sure is thrilling when you get jumped by two Alliance the same level as you and you beat them both, look at their corpses, and /rolleyes 😉
@ Rades
I’m guessing more fun awaits me then… I suppose that since I’m still wandering through Azeroth, I’m missing a lot of the action. Leveling in Northrend may not be as easy I take it. 😐
You’ve clearly never leveled ally on a pvp server. We’re constantly outnumbered, and while you specifically are not starting fights with us, most horde will. If I took my hunter into the pirate area of tanaris at the appropriate level, whether I mind my business or not, I would get ganked in 2 minutes. Attacking first is the only way you can stand a chance of getting a few minutes to do your quest while the other guy corpse runs.
I’m all about faction pride, but “scum”? Really?
@ Euripides
I’m guessing results vary for different servers. I predict that if I start to become a constant target I’ll probably develop the “shoot first, ask questions later attitude myself”. So far, most alliance have left me alone. That will probably change as time wears on.
Ally Scum, Horde Swine, they’re all the same to me… I’m a Hunter first and foremost. My faction labels change depending on who I’m representing at the time. I’ll tell ya though… I’m getting used to this whole Horde thing. 😉
Garwulf will never get a faction change though. He’s the one character I’ll never tamper with.
All I can say is that you fellas have FAAAAAAAAAR more patience than I would have. =) The reason I haven’t tried leveling on a pvp server yet is because RL restricts my playtime so much that it would drive me INSANE if I spent 30 minutes of my hour fighting off getting ganked.
To each their own, though.
@ lawman30
I feel ya on that statement. Having your playtime compromised due to the muse of some jackass(es) is never fun.
Although this occurred on a normal server, I always hated when the horde would camp the Defias Messenger, delaying my Deadmines run until enough high level ally showed up to dispatch them. Yet, this is only a taste of what happens on a PvP server.
I’ve experienced trouble-free play for the most part, but I expect there will be more outwardly aggressive behavior as I level. Should be fun! 😀
*sharpens pencil and lays it next to scratch pad*
Leveling on a pvp server is equal parts frustration and blood pumping fun. It’s a great way to break up the monotony of leveling, however there’s no fun in getting camped by a lv 80 for an hour and a half. (Really he has nothing better to do?) You’ll learn fun tricks to trigger someone’s combat flag with traps, how to kill someone in town and get away from it, and you’ll eventually see these morons who like to hide in specific spots in Scholazar Basin or Zangarmarsh to gank you while in town and get away wtih it. However some of the totally random battles that will take place will live on with even the best memories of boss killing. I’ll never forget the time I got into an epic pvp fight in Stormwind taking on a druid and rogue in the tram room while running a holiday “visit the opponents capital cities” quest.
For the Horde just never meant as much when you aren’t on a pvp server.
@ Fawatam
I can tell you, the first time I have to log in order to avoid getting chain ganked, I’m going to be pretty irritated. Of course, I always have the option now of staying in the refuge and safety of Org and leveling in BGs. 😀
I agree that questing is much more exciting and enjoyable on a PvP server.
At least Alliance don’t kill all the questgivers like what happens on my server, it was hell trying to do quests around Menethil…
Well done on the tame though, been after him for what feels like years, never seen him once in the wild. I want to get rid of my generic lvl80 worg, but not having any luck with the nice looking rare wolves.
@ Uchikoma
He’s one of the rarer old world pets I believe. I think his spawn timer is between 12-24 hours.
Just park your Hunter there and log. Play an alt or w/e, then just pop in from time to time to check. If he’s not there, then log and come back in 20-30mins. That’s what I do for the old world pets. Be patient and he’ll appear eventually.
Good luck if you decide to go after him. 😀
hehe i love how ur startin to think like a true horde member..
@ huskar
Strength and Honor!
@ mackboy
I agree. I’d always wondered what a PvP server would be like. When I decided to make a Horde Hunter I knew it was time to try it. I’m glad I did. 😀
yep i have to say lvling on a pvp server is a different experiance but i love it always watching ur back waitin for some horde/ally to pop up n just turn round n face plant them good times, i have lvled in a normal server its easier to lvl but no were near as fun cept for the odd 80 to jump out of no were n camp u for 2 hrs :S but i feel that lvling on a pvp server everyone should try once