Shadowmourne Not For Hunters?!

…but it’s so pretty…

Hunter Loot!


This makes sense though. I was pretty sure that the mention of Shadowmourne as a new Legendary Axe for Hunters was a tongue-in-cheek reference. Especially following the announcement of the removal of attack power, and the implementation of more class specific gear itemization.

Source: MMO Champion

10 thoughts on “Shadowmourne Not For Hunters?!”

  1. @ Skruf

    Thanks for the insulting and caustic comment.

    Unfortunately, you missed the sarcasm.

    Also note that at this time the itemization of the weapon hadn’t been announced.

    Settle down.

  2. Strength is not a hunter stats its useless for you,
    its a Warrior, Paladin, dk wep. War first as they gain the most from strength, then retribution paladins for the divine strength talent. For a hunter with this wep all you would get is the crit and apr witch is decent in it self tho 114 of each, but definitly not worth it.
    Your melee weps are there as stat boosters, like the warrior ranged slot, not to make you look good. YOU FUCKING RETARD.

  3. Hmmm
    Didn’t they say reforging could swap one stat for another? Or at least minimize one to increase another. ie: if it has 100str and 5 agi u could swap them to be 100 agi and 5 str
    At this time i havent seen any stats for it other than “its more suitable for warrios dks and other lesser classes” 😀

    • Haha… wishful thinking…

      If I recall correctly, I think reforging allows you to take half of the points from one stat and place them into something else.

      ie: if your item had 40 hit, but you only needed 20, you could reforge the item to give 20hit/20crit for example.


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