I spent most the day dealing with last minute tax time preparations, so I wasn’t able to explore things too much. By the time I logged on it was after 10pm, and by the time I could scare up enough gold to purchase my Dual-Spec it was after midnight. Huge thanks to Blaquespell for helping me with the last little bit I needed to become a Marksman and to train my new skills.
After that I joined LFG for an OS 25 man, hoping to get myself a Dragon Hide Bag. Once again my bad luck streak continued. The 40 I rolled for the T7.5 gloves didn’t quite cut it, nor did the 14 I rolled for the Dragon Hide bag. 🙁
I’m guessing that I must be getting all of these bad rolls out of the way before Ulduar, where I’m eventually going to clean up. Yeah, that’s it.
By the way, did anyone else who ran Obsidian Sanctum last night notice that the Flame Waves were bugged? Either that, or they nerfed them. The Flame Waves would appear, then disappear, then reappear just after they’d passed. It was a bit odd.
I didn’t have a chance to configure Bartender for my dual spec, so I stayed BM for last night’s Sarth run. Tonight I’m planning on getting that sorted out so that I can start working on my MM rotation and begin doing some big boy DPS. I’ll probably play with Survival a little too if I can manage enough gold for the respecs.
My first order of business will be to grind out some dailies to get Blaque paid back, then I’m going to spend some time exploring 3.1. How’s the Argent Tournament? I still haven’t checked that out yet.