I queued 36 matches last night with my former 2v2 Arms Warrior partner, and we pulled off 25 victories. Not too shabby considering the unorthodox composition of BM Hunter / Arms Warrior. This recent flirt with competitiveness has me especially geeked about 3.1. My Chimaera will be tearing faces off after the patch. 😉 He critted a Druid last night for 3106 without The Beast Within. I was so proud of him. *sniffle*
Our counter team was Holy Pally / SV Hunter. That combo accounted for at least 4 of our 11 losses. Unholy Death Knight / Holy Pally was nasty too. In fact (insert random class name here) / Holy Pally was almost always a problem. Aside from that, we split some matches with a pretty decent Rogue / Mage combo.
Splitting DPS on most teams worked like a charm. I can’t see this composition being successful enough to write a guide about it or anything (even if I was good), but we have fun with it. I’m sure most of our opponents were like… “wtf… BM Hunter and Arms Warrior”, what the hell do we do with that? It could work to our advantage against the more cookie-cutter comps. We defnitely have a lot of anti-teams, but some of the 1750+ cookie cutter 2v2s (sans Pally) we can hold our own against.
I’ve always been fond of double-dps for 2v2 because the matches are over very fast. If you need to queue your last 10 matches on Monday night, it’s not a problem with this combo. You can bang ’em out in under an hour no problem.
Heck yeah. Once again, thanks!
Look at today’s post. Don’t you feel special now..? 🙂
How did you spec yourself, by the way? I have a planned spec, but I’m wondering how yours went.
I can’t find a very great many BM pvp specs out there right now, seeing as Survival is Flavour of the month.