Garwulf Hunter UI is Available!

Come get the hotness and see for yourself what it feels like to be behind the wheel of a supercharged Hunter UI…

In all seriousness, I worked really hard on this latest version and I must say…I am pretty happy with it. Even though it did take me longer than expected to make it ready for the masses, I still feel like it was a tiny bit rushed. This is mainly because I’ve just recently discovered the awesomeness that is Raven. It’s actually this buff mod that delayed things so much, but it was worth it…believe me. This addon is fantastic, and the developer is about the coolest addon dev you could hope to deal with.

Tomber actually contacted me after reading my post describing my qualms with Raven, and was very eager to work with me in solving those problems and even went so far as to update the addon with some of my feature requests!

We emailed back and forth for over a week, discussing questions and issues I’d had with the addon. This is one of our latest exchanges, which shows you how much effort he and I both were putting in to allow for a really nice config of his addon within my UI…

Hey Tomber,

Thanks for handling these little fixes and such. I think the addon is amazing and will definitely recommend it to site visitors.

I had to put the UI down for a day or so to work on other stuff, but I think I’m just about ready to call it finished. In my opinion, your addon is the premium ingredient. It not only adds the biggest advantages for gameplay, but it looks great too. 🙂

I used to be a big proponent of Power Auras, and still am to a degree, but I’m finding that shifting some of the notifications to raven has made things a little more practical and cleaner.

99% of what I use the addon for is PvP. The ‘only reason’ I set up the buff frame in the upper-left is for players who like to raid and need to see which buffs they need refreshed or put on. I’m used to having it there, so I keep it in the comp, but I rarely pay much attention to it. I’m mainly focused on all of the short duration bursty buffs, my debuffs, the target cc timers, and the tranq’able buffs.

Raven is handling this stuff masterfully.

Thanks for stepping in and helping to address some of my concerns, as well as helping me to better wrap my head around the config.



Thank you, too. Working with you definitely helped Raven become a better addon as well. Your clear problem descriptions and followup after testing have been much appreciated. Don’t hesitate to contact me with further issues and suggestions.

– Tomber

Buffs, debuffs and cooldowns are arguably one of the most important bits of on-screen info, which means getting it delivered properly is super-important. In keeping with what I’d said before, I’d have the UI “ready when it was ready”. Getting things how I wanted them, as well as working out most of the kinks was a time-consuming affair, but I’m pretty happy with how it’s all functioning now.

Garwulf Hunter UI
Clean and Simple
Garwulf Hunter UI - Addon Configs
Peering behind the curtain...

It’s likely I may add some minor little touches to it in the coming weeks, but as far as I’m concerned…it’s good to go!

You can download it here.

Lastly, I’m right in the midst of a mad last-minute-preparing-for-guests-holiday-season-frenzy, so unfortunately I won’t be able to hammer out some detailed posts on the UI or included addons until next week. In the meantime, I’ll try to answer any questions you have – either on the UI page here, or at the WoWI download page.


5 thoughts on “Garwulf Hunter UI is Available!”

  1. Aaaaargh! Your UI is so awesome!!

    Unfortunately, my PC can’t handle it.. I’m so sad :'(

    But I love your design, I’ve been working on replicating it to my PC specs as well as utilizing some of my more favored Addons over a few of yours. But it will never reach the same awesomeness, lol XD

  2. Hey very nice job with the UI. Althoug could u explain the power auras? I look into the power auras tutorial but you kinda changed the things around and i have no idea what all of those icons and bars mean..

  3. Congratulations on getting this beautiful UI done!

    I’m unlikely to download the whole package, but I am really interested in your explanations of which addons you are using. I’ll probably bend several of them to my own uses. Mostly I’m interested in keeping my keybinds and my Serenity addon where they currently are on the screen, but I’d like to take some ideas from your other addons. Raven sounds very cool, and I want to try it once I hear your tips on how to set it up.

    I might even have a few additional addon suggestions for you: Serenity and LoseControl are my two favorites for hunter PVP and PVE.

    Happy Holidays, and I’ll look forward to the update next week!



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